
Your regular donation to the Foundation will help us provide stability and long-term support to children recovering from the devastating impacts of trauma.

A gift that keeps giving


Becoming a member of the Australian Childhood Foundation Family helps to stop a destructive cycle that has far-reaching implications for children and our community. Your support makes a critical difference, pivoting children’s lives towards a better future.


Help children reclaim childhood

As a member of the Australian Childhood Foundation family, you are helping children recover from the devastating impacts of trauma that result from abuse and neglect.

In choosing to join the Australian Childhood Family, you are choosing to help children we support to reclaim their childhood. And that choice makes a real difference in a child’s life.

Your ongoing support enables us to travel to family homes, support carers, meet and work with school counsellors and teachers and support children who have experienced abuse. It allows us to give continuous and ongoing support to children through counselling and means we can move children out of the uncertainty of ‘waiting lists’ and into caring, supportive, positive relationships that lead to recovery.


Join the Australian Childhood
Family today

Choose the amount you wish to give:

When you join our community of like-minded people you will receive:

  • A welcome pack introducing you to the Foundation and how your donation can help children in need.
  • Regular Impact Newsletters to keep you updated on how your donation is helping us make a difference.
  • Invitations to attend exclusive donor events.
  • Opportunities to volunteer for the Foundation.
  • An annual tax receipt. All donations over $2 and over are 100% tax deductible.